Source code for skrf.plotting

plotting (:mod:`skrf.plotting`)

This module provides general plotting functions.

Plots and Charts

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/






Convenience plotting functions
.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


from __future__ import annotations

import os
import warnings
from numbers import Number
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable

    import matplotlib as mpl
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import matplotlib.tri as tri
    from matplotlib import rcParams, ticker
    from matplotlib.dates import date2num
    from matplotlib.patches import Circle  # for drawing smith chart
    from matplotlib.pyplot import quiver
except ImportError:

import numpy as np

from . import mathFunctions as mf
from .constants import NumberLike
from .frequency import Frequency
from .util import axes_kwarg, now_string_2_dt

    from . import Network, NetworkSet

SI_CONVERSION = {key: 10**((8-i)*3) for i, key in enumerate(SI_PREFIXES_ASCII)}

def _get_label_str(netw: Network, param: str, m: int, n: int) -> str:
    label_string = ""
    if is not None:
        label_string += f"{}, "

    if plt.rcParams['text.usetex']:
        label_string += f"${param}_{{{netw._fmt_trace_name(m,n)}}}$"
        label_string += f"{param}{netw._fmt_trace_name(m,n)}"
    return label_string

[docs] def scale_frequency_ticks(ax: plt.Axes, funit: str): """ Scale frequency axis ticks. Parameters ---------- ax : plt.Axes Matplotlib figure axe funit : str frequency unit string as in :data:`~skrf.frequency.Frequency.unit` Raises ------ ValueError if invalid unit is passed """ if funit.lower() == "hz": prefix = " " scale = 1 elif len(funit) == 3: prefix = funit[0] scale = SI_CONVERSION[prefix] else: raise ValueError(f"invalid funit {funit}") ticks_x = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: f'{x * scale:g}') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticks_x)
[docs] @axes_kwarg def smith(smithR: Number = 1, chart_type: str = 'z', draw_labels: bool = False, border: bool = False, ax: plt.Axes | None = None, ref_imm: float = 1.0, draw_vswr: list | bool | None = None): """ Plot the Smith chart of a given radius. The Smith chart is used to assist in solving problems with transmission lines and matching circuits. It can be used to simultaneously display multiple parameters including impedances, admittances, reflection coefficients, scattering parameters, noise figure circles, etc. [#]_ Parameters ---------- smithR : number, optional radius of smith chart. Default is 1. chart_type : str, optional Contour type. Default is 'z'. Possible values are: * *'z'* : lines of constant impedance * *'y'* : lines of constant admittance * *'zy'* : lines of constant impedance stronger than admittance * *'yz'* : lines of constant admittance stronger than impedance draw_labels : Boolean, optional annotate real and imaginary parts of impedance on the chart (only if smithR=1). Default is False. border : Boolean, optional. draw a rectangular border with axis ticks, around the perimeter of the figure. Not used if draw_labels = True. Default is False. ax : :class:`matplotlib.pyplot.Axes` or None, optional existing axes to draw smith chart on. Default is None (creates a new figure) ref_imm : number, optional Reference immittance for center of Smith chart. Only changes labels, if printed. Default is 1.0. draw_vswr : list of numbers, Boolean or None, optional draw VSWR circles. If True, default values are used. Default is None. References ---------- .. [#] """ # contour holds matplotlib instances of: pathes.Circle, and lines.Line2D, which # are the contours on the smith chart contour = [] # these are hard-coded on purpose,as they should always be present rHeavyList = [0,1] xHeavyList = [1,-1] #TODO: fix this # these could be dynamically coded in the future, but work good'nuff for now if not draw_labels: rLightList = np.logspace(3,-5,9,base=.5) xLightList = np.hstack([np.logspace(2,-5,8,base=.5), -1*np.logspace(2,-5,8,base=.5)]) else: rLightList = np.array( [ 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 ] ) xLightList = np.array( [ 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 , 5.0, -0.2, -0.5, -1.0, -2.0, -5.0 ] ) # vswr lines if isinstance(draw_vswr, (tuple,list)): vswrVeryLightList = draw_vswr elif draw_vswr is True: # use the default I like vswrVeryLightList = [1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0] else: vswrVeryLightList = [] # cheap way to make a ok-looking smith chart at larger than 1 radii if smithR > 1: rMax = (1.+smithR)/(1.-smithR) rLightList = np.hstack([ np.linspace(0,rMax,11) , rLightList ]) if chart_type.startswith('y'): y_flip_sign = -1 else: y_flip_sign = 1 # draw impedance and/or admittance both_charts = chart_type in ('zy', 'yz') # loops through Verylight, Light and Heavy lists and draws circles using patches # for analysis of this see R.M. Weikles Microwave II notes (from uva) superLightColor = dict(ec='whitesmoke', fc='none') veryLightColor = dict(ec='lightgrey', fc='none') lightColor = dict(ec='grey', fc='none') heavyColor = dict(ec='black', fc='none') # vswr circles verylight for vswr in vswrVeryLightList: radius = (vswr-1.0) / (vswr+1.0) contour.append( Circle((0, 0), radius, **veryLightColor)) # impedance/admittance circles for r in rLightList: center = (r/(1.+r)*y_flip_sign,0 ) radius = 1./(1+r) if both_charts: contour.insert(0, Circle((-center[0], center[1]), radius, **superLightColor)) contour.append(Circle(center, radius, **lightColor)) for x in xLightList: center = (1*y_flip_sign,1./x) radius = 1./x if both_charts: contour.insert(0, Circle( (-center[0], center[1]), radius, **superLightColor)) contour.append(Circle(center, radius, **lightColor)) for r in rHeavyList: center = (r/(1.+r)*y_flip_sign,0 ) radius = 1./(1+r) contour.append(Circle(center, radius, **heavyColor)) for x in xHeavyList: center = (1*y_flip_sign,1./x) radius = 1./x contour.append(Circle(center, radius, **heavyColor)) # clipping circle clipc = Circle( [0,0], smithR, ec='k',fc='None',visible=True) ax.add_patch( clipc) #draw x and y axis ax.axhline(0, color='k', lw=.1, clip_path=clipc) ax.axvline(1*y_flip_sign, color='k', clip_path=clipc) ax.grid(0) # Set axis limits by plotting white points so zooming works properly ax.plot(smithR*np.array([-1.1, 1.1]), smithR*np.array([-1.1, 1.1]), 'w.', markersize = 0) ax.axis('image') # Combination of 'equal' and 'tight' if not border: ax.yaxis.set_ticks([]) ax.xaxis.set_ticks([]) for spine in ax.spines.values(): spine.set_color('none') if draw_labels: #Clear axis ax.yaxis.set_ticks([]) ax.xaxis.set_ticks([]) for spine in ax.spines.values(): spine.set_color('none') # Make annotations only if the radius is 1 if smithR == 1: #Make room for annotation ax.plot(np.array([-1.25, 1.25]), np.array([-1.1, 1.1]), 'w.', markersize = 0) ax.axis('image') #Annotate real part for value in rLightList: # Set radius of real part's label; offset slightly left (Z # chart, y_flip_sign == 1) or right (Y chart, y_flip_sign == -1) # so label doesn't overlap chart's circles rho = (value - 1)/(value + 1) - y_flip_sign*0.01 if y_flip_sign == 1: halignstyle = "right" else: halignstyle = "left" if y_flip_sign == -1: # 'y' and 'yz' charts value = 1/value ax.annotate(str(value*ref_imm), xy=(rho*smithR, 0.01), xytext=(rho*smithR, 0.01), ha = halignstyle, va = "baseline") #Annotate imaginary part radialScaleFactor = 1.01 # Scale radius of label position by this # factor. Making it >1 places the label # outside the Smith chart's circle for value in xLightList: #Transforms from complex to cartesian S = (1j*value - 1) / (1j*value + 1) S *= smithR * radialScaleFactor rhox = S.real rhoy = S.imag * y_flip_sign # Choose alignment anchor point based on label's value if ((value == 1.0) or (value == -1.0)): halignstyle = "center" elif (rhox < 0.0): halignstyle = "right" else: halignstyle = "left" if (rhoy < 0): valignstyle = "top" else: valignstyle = "bottom" if y_flip_sign == -1: # 'y' and 'yz' charts value = 1/value #Annotate value ax.annotate(str(value*ref_imm) + 'j', xy=(rhox, rhoy), xytext=(rhox, rhoy), ha = halignstyle, va = valignstyle) #Annotate 0 and inf if y_flip_sign == 1: # z and zy charts label_left, label_right = '0.0', r'$\infty$' else: # y and yz charts label_left, label_right = r'$\infty$', '0.0' ax.annotate(label_left, xy=(-1.02, 0), xytext=(-1.02, 0), ha = "right", va = "center") ax.annotate(label_right, xy=(radialScaleFactor, 0), xytext=(radialScaleFactor, 0), ha = "left", va = "center") # annotate vswr circles for vswr in vswrVeryLightList: rhoy = (vswr-1.0) / (vswr+1.0) ax.annotate(str(vswr), xy=(0, rhoy*smithR), xytext=(0, rhoy*smithR), ha="center", va="bottom", color='grey', size='smaller') # loop though contours and draw them on the given axes for currentContour in contour: cc=ax.add_patch(currentContour) cc.set_clip_path(clipc)
[docs] def plot_rectangular(x: NumberLike, y: NumberLike, x_label: str | None = None, y_label: str | None = None, title: str | None = None, show_legend: bool = True, axis: str = 'tight', ax: plt.Axes | None = None, *args, **kwargs): r""" Plot rectangular data and optionally label axes. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, of complex data data to plot y : array-like, of complex data data to plot x_label : string or None, optional. x-axis label. Default is None. y_label : string or None, optional. y-axis label. Default is None. title : string or None, optional. plot title. Default is None. show_legend : Boolean, optional. controls the drawing of the legend. Default is True. axis : str, optional whether or not to autoscale the axis. Default is 'tight' ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot` object or None, optional. axes to draw on. Default is None (creates a new figure) \*args, \*\*kwargs : passed to pylab.plot """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() my_plot = ax.plot(x, y, *args, **kwargs) if x_label is not None: ax.set_xlabel(x_label) if y_label is not None: ax.set_ylabel(y_label) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if show_legend: # only show legend if they provide a label if 'label' in kwargs: ax.legend() if axis is not None: ax.autoscale(True, 'x', True) ax.autoscale(True, 'y', False) if plt.isinteractive(): plt.draw() return my_plot
[docs] def plot_polar(theta: NumberLike, r: NumberLike, x_label: str | None = None, y_label: str | None = None, title: str | None = None, show_legend: bool = True, axis_equal: bool = False, ax: plt.Axes | None = None, *args, **kwargs): r""" Plot polar data on a polar plot and optionally label axes. Parameters ---------- theta : array-like angular data to plot r : array-like radial data to plot x_label : string or None, optional x-axis label. Default is None. y_label : string or None, optional. y-axis label. Default is None title : string or None, optional. plot title. Default is None. show_legend : Boolean, optional. controls the drawing of the legend. Default is True. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot` object or None. axes to draw on. Default is None (creates a new figure). \*args, \*\*kwargs : passed to pylab.plot See Also -------- plot_rectangular : plots rectangular data plot_complex_rectangular : plot complex data on complex plane plot_polar : plot polar data plot_complex_polar : plot complex data on polar plane plot_smith : plot complex data on smith chart """ if ax is None: # no Axes passed # if an existing (polar) plot is already present, grab and use its Axes # otherwise, create a new polar plot and use that Axes if not plt.get_fignums() or not plt.gcf().axes or plt.gca().name != 'polar': ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(projection='polar') else: ax = plt.gca() else: if != 'polar': # The projection of an existing axes can't be changed, # since specifying a projection when creating an axes determines the # axes class you get, which is different for each projection type. # So, passing a axe projection not polar is probably undesired warnings.warn( f"Projection of the Axes passed as `ax` is not 'polar' but is {}." + "See Matplotlib documentation to create a polar plot or call this function without the `ax` parameter." , stacklevel=2 ) ax.plot(theta, r, *args, **kwargs) if x_label is not None: ax.set_xlabel(x_label) if y_label is not None: ax.set_ylabel(y_label) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) if show_legend: # only show legend if they provide a label if 'label' in kwargs: ax.legend() if axis_equal: ax.axis('equal') if plt.isinteractive(): plt.draw()
[docs] def plot_complex_rectangular(z: NumberLike, x_label: str = 'Real', y_label: str = 'Imag', title: str = 'Complex Plane', show_legend: bool = True, axis: str = 'equal', ax: plt.Axes | None = None, **kwargs): r""" Plot complex data on the complex plane. Parameters ---------- z : array-like, of complex data data to plot x_label : string, optional. x-axis label. Default is 'Real'. y_label : string, optional. y-axis label. Default is 'Imag'. title : string, optional. plot title. Default is 'Complex Plane' show_legend : Boolean, optional. controls the drawing of the legend. Default is True. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot` object or None. axes to draw on. Default is None (creates a new figure) \*\*kwargs : passed to pylab.plot See Also -------- plot_rectangular : plots rectangular data plot_complex_rectangular : plot complex data on complex plane plot_polar : plot polar data plot_complex_polar : plot complex data on polar plane plot_smith : plot complex data on smith chart """ x = np.real(z) y = np.imag(z) plot_rectangular(x=x, y=y, x_label=x_label, y_label=y_label, title=title, show_legend=show_legend, axis=axis, ax=ax, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_complex_polar(z: NumberLike, x_label: str | None = None, y_label: str | None = None, title: str | None = None, show_legend: bool = True, axis_equal: bool = False, ax: plt.Axes | None = None, **kwargs): r""" Plot complex data in polar format. Parameters ---------- z : array-like, of complex data data to plot x_label : string or None, optional x-axis label. Default is None. y_label : string or None, optional. y-axis label. Default is None title : string or None, optional. plot title. Default is None. show_legend : Boolean, optional. controls the drawing of the legend. Default is True. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot` object or None. axes to draw on. Default is None (creates a new figure). \*\*kwargs : passed to pylab.plot See Also -------- plot_rectangular : plots rectangular data plot_complex_rectangular : plot complex data on complex plane plot_polar : plot polar data plot_complex_polar : plot complex data on polar plane plot_smith : plot complex data on smith chart """ theta = np.angle(z) r = np.abs(z) plot_polar(theta=theta, r=r, x_label=x_label, y_label=y_label, title=title, show_legend=show_legend, axis_equal=axis_equal, ax=ax, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_smith(s: NumberLike, smith_r: float = 1, chart_type: str = 'z', x_label: str = 'Real', y_label: str = 'Imaginary', title: str = 'Complex Plane', show_legend: bool = True, axis: str = 'equal', ax: plt.Axes | None = None, force_chart: bool = False, draw_vswr: list | bool | None = None, draw_labels: bool = False, **kwargs): r""" Plot complex data on smith chart. Parameters ------------ s : complex array-like reflection-coefficient-like data to plot smith_r : number radius of smith chart chart_type : str in ['z','y'] Contour type for chart. * *'z'* : lines of constant impedance * *'y'* : lines of constant admittance x_label : string, optional. x-axis label. Default is 'Real'. y_label : string, optional. y-axis label. Default is 'Imaginary' title : string, optional. plot title, Default is 'Complex Plane'. show_legend : Boolean, optional. controls the drawing of the legend. Default is True. axis_equal: Boolean, optional. sets axis to be equal increments. Default is 'equal'. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot` object or None. axes to draw on. Default is None (creates a new figure). force_chart : Boolean, optional. forces the re-drawing of smith chart. Default is False. draw_vswr : list of numbers, Boolean or None, optional draw VSWR circles. If True, default values are used. Default is None. draw_labels : Boolean annotate chart with impedance values \*\*kwargs : passed to pylab.plot See Also ---------- plot_rectangular : plots rectangular data plot_complex_rectangular : plot complex data on complex plane plot_polar : plot polar data plot_complex_polar : plot complex data on polar plane plot_smith : plot complex data on smith chart """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() # test if smith chart is already drawn if not force_chart: if len(ax.patches) == 0: smith(ax=ax, smithR = smith_r, chart_type=chart_type, draw_vswr=draw_vswr, draw_labels=draw_labels) plot_complex_rectangular(s, x_label=x_label, y_label=y_label, title=title, show_legend=show_legend, axis=axis, ax=ax, **kwargs) ax.axis(smith_r*np.array([-1.1, 1.1, -1.1, 1.1])) if plt.isinteractive(): plt.draw()
[docs] def subplot_params(ntwk: Network, param: str = 's', proj: str = 'db', size_per_port: int = 4, newfig: bool = True, add_titles: bool = True, keep_it_tight: bool = True, subplot_kw: dict = None, **kwargs): """ Plot all networks parameters individually on subplots. Parameters ---------- ntwk : :class:`` Network to get data from. param : str, optional Parameter to plot, by default 's' proj : str, optional Projection type, by default 'db' size_per_port : int, optional by default 4 newfig : bool, optional by default True add_titles : bool, optional by default True keep_it_tight : bool, optional by default True subplot_kw : dict, optional by default {} Returns ------- f : :class:`matplotlib.pyplot.Figure` Matplotlib Figure ax : :class:`matplotlib.pyplot.Axes` Matplotlib Axes """ subplot_kw = subplot_kw if subplot_kw else {} if newfig: f,axs= plt.subplots(ntwk.nports,ntwk.nports, figsize =(size_per_port*ntwk.nports, size_per_port*ntwk.nports ), **subplot_kw) else: f = plt.gcf() axs = np.array(f.get_axes()) for ports,ax in zip(ntwk.port_tuples, axs.flatten()): plot_func = ntwk.__getattribute__(f'plot_{param}_{proj}') plot_func(m=ports[0], n=ports[1], ax=ax, **kwargs) if add_titles: ax.set_title(f"{param.upper()}{ntwk._fmt_trace_name(ports[0], ports[1])}") if keep_it_tight: plt.tight_layout() return f, axs
[docs] def shade_bands(edges: NumberLike, y_range: tuple | None = None, cmap: str = 'prism', **kwargs): r""" Shades frequency bands. When plotting data over a set of frequency bands it is nice to have each band visually separated from the other. The kwarg `alpha` is useful. Parameters ---------- edges : array-like x-values separating regions of a given shade y_range : tuple or None, optional. y-values to shade in. Default is None. cmap : str, optional. see or matplotlib.colormaps for acceptable values. Default is 'prism'. \*\*kwargs : key word arguments passed to `matplotlib.fill_between` Examples -------- >>> rf.shade_bands([325,500,750,1100], alpha=.2) """ cmap = if not isinstance(y_range, (tuple, list)) or (len(y_range) != 2): y_range=plt.gca().get_ylim() axis = plt.axis() for k in range(len(edges)-1): plt.fill_between( [edges[k],edges[k+1]], y_range[0], y_range[1], color = cmap(1.0*k/len(edges)), **kwargs) plt.axis(axis)
[docs] def save_all_figs(dir: str = './', format: None | list[str] = None, replace_spaces: bool = True, echo: bool = True): """ Save all open Figures to disk. Parameters ---------- dir : string, optional. path to save figures into. Default is './' format : None or list of strings, optional. the types of formats to save figures as. The elements of this list are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.savefig`. This is a list so that you can save each figure in multiple formats. Default is None. replace_spaces : bool, optional default is True. echo : bool, optional. True prints filenames as they are saved. Default is True. """ if dir[-1] != '/': dir = dir + '/' for fignum in plt.get_fignums(): fileName = plt.figure(fignum).get_axes()[0].get_title() if replace_spaces: fileName = fileName.replace(' ','_') if fileName == '': fileName = 'unnamedPlot' if format is None: plt.savefig(dir+fileName) if echo: print(dir+fileName) else: for fmt in format: plt.savefig(dir+fileName+'.'+fmt, format=fmt) if echo: print(dir+fileName+'.'+fmt)
saf = save_all_figs
[docs] @axes_kwarg def add_markers_to_lines(ax: plt.Axes = None, marker_list: list = None, markevery: int = 10): """ Add markers to existing lings on a plot. Convenient if you have already have a plot made, but then need to add markers afterwards, so that it can be interpreted in black and white. The markevery argument makes the markers less frequent than the data, which is generally what you want. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.Axes or None, optional axis which to add markers to. Default is current axe gca() marker_list : list of string, optional list of marker characters. Default is ['o', 'D', 's', '+', 'x']. see matplotlib.plot help for possible marker characters markevery : int, optional. markevery number of points with a marker. Default is 10. """ marker_list = marker_list if marker_list else ['o', 'D', 's', '+', 'x'] lines = ax.get_lines() if len(lines) > len (marker_list ): marker_list *= 3 [k[0].set_marker(k[1]) for k in zip(lines, marker_list)] [line.set_markevery(markevery) for line in lines]
[docs] @axes_kwarg def legend_off(ax: plt.Axes = None): """ Turn off the legend for a given axes. If no axes is given then it will use current axes. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.Axes or None, optional axis to operate on. Default is None for current axe gca() """ ax.legend_.set_visible(0)
[docs] @axes_kwarg def scrape_legend(n: int | None = None, ax:plt.Axes = None): """ Scrape a legend with redundant labels. Given a legend of m entries of n groups, this will remove all but every m/nth entry. This is used when you plot many lines representing the same thing, and only want one label entry in the legend for the whole ensemble of lines. Parameters ---------- n : int or None, optional. Default is None. ax : matplotlib.Axes or None, optional axis to operate on. Default is None for current axe gca() """ handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if n is None: n =len ( set(labels)) if n>len(handles): raise ValueError('number of entries is too large') k_list = [int(k) for k in np.linspace(0,len(handles)-1,n)] ax.legend([handles[k] for k in k_list], [labels[k] for k in k_list])
[docs] def func_on_all_figs(func: Callable, *args, **kwargs): r""" Run a function after making all open figures current. Useful if you need to change the properties of many open figures at once, like turn off the grid. Parameters ---------- func : function function to call \*args, \*\*kwargs : passed to func Examples -------- >>> rf.func_on_all_figs(grid, alpha=.3) """ for fig_n in plt.get_fignums(): fig = plt.figure(fig_n) for ax_n in fig.axes: fig.add_axes(ax_n) # trick to make axes current func(*args, **kwargs) plt.draw()
foaf = func_on_all_figs def plot_vector(a: complex, off: complex = 0+0j, **kwargs): """ Plot a 2d vector. Parameters ---------- a : complex complex coordinates (real for X, imag for Y) of the arrow location. off : complex, optional complex direction (real for U, imag for V) components of the arrow vectors, by default 0+0j Returns ------- quiver : matplotlib.pyplot.quiver """ return quiver(off.real, off.imag, a.real, a.imag, scale_units='xy', angles='xy', scale=1, **kwargs) def colors() -> list[str]: """ Return the list of colors of the rcParams color cycle. Returns ------- colors : List[str] """ return [c['color'] for c in rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']] ## specific plotting functions def plot(netw: Network, *args, **kw): """ Plot something vs frequency """ return netw.frequency.plot(*args, **kw)
[docs] def plot_passivity(netw: Network, port=None, label_prefix=None, **kwargs): """ Plot dB(diag(passivity metric)) vs frequency. Note ---- This plot does not completely capture the passivity metric, which is a test for `unitary-ness` of the s-matrix. However, it may be used to display a measure of power dissipated in a network. See Also -------- passivity """ name = '' if is None else if port is None: ports = range(netw.nports) else: ports = [port] for k in ports: if label_prefix is None: label = name + ', port %i' % (k + 1) else: label = label_prefix + ', port %i' % (k + 1) netw.frequency.plot(mf.complex_2_db(netw.passivity[:, k, k]), label=label, **kwargs) plt.legend() if plt.isinteractive(): plt.draw()
def plot_reciprocity(netw: Network, db=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot reciprocity metric. See Also -------- reciprocity """ for m in range(netw.nports): for n in range(netw.nports): if m > n: if 'label' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['label'] = f"ports {netw._fmt_trace_name(m, n)}" y = netw.reciprocity[:, m, n].flatten() y = mf.complex_2_db(y) if db else np.abs(y) netw.frequency.plot(y, *args, **kwargs) plt.legend() if plt.isinteractive(): plt.draw() def plot_reciprocity2(netw: Network, db=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot reciprocity metric #2. This is distance of the determinant of the wave-cascading matrix from unity. .. math:: abs(1 - S/S^T ) See Also -------- reciprocity """ for m in range(netw.nports): for n in range(netw.nports): if m > n: if 'label' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['label'] = f"ports {netw._fmt_trace_name(m, n)}" y = netw.reciprocity2[:, m, n].flatten() if db: y = mf.complex_2_db(y) netw.frequency.plot(y, *args, **kwargs) plt.legend() if plt.isinteractive(): plt.draw() def plot_s_db_time(netw: Network, *args, window: str | float | tuple[str, float]=('kaiser', 6), normalize: bool = True, center_to_dc: bool = None, **kwargs): return netw.windowed(window, normalize, center_to_dc).plot_s_time_db(*args,**kwargs) # plotting def plot_s_smith(netw: Network, m=None, n=None,r=1, ax=None, show_legend=True,\ chart_type='z', draw_labels=False, label_axes=False, draw_vswr=None, *args,**kwargs): r""" Plots the scattering parameter on a smith chart. Plots indices `m`, `n`, where `m` and `n` can be integers or lists of integers. Parameters ---------- m : int, optional first index n : int, optional second index ax : matplotlib.Axes object, optional axes to plot on. in case you want to update an existing plot. show_legend : boolean, optional to turn legend show legend of not, optional chart_type : ['z','y'] draw impedance or admittance contours draw_labels : Boolean annotate chart with impedance values label_axes : Boolean Label axis with titles `Real` and `Imaginary` border : Boolean draw rectangular border around image with ticks draw_vswr : list of numbers, Boolean or None draw VSWR circles. If True, default values are used. \*args : arguments, optional passed to the matplotlib.plot command \*\*kwargs : keyword arguments, optional passed to the matplotlib.plot command See Also -------- plot_vs_frequency_generic - generic plotting function smith - draws a smith chart Examples -------- >>> myntwk.plot_s_smith() >>> myntwk.plot_s_smith(m=0,n=1,color='b', marker='x') """ # TODO: prevent this from re-drawing smith chart if one alread # exists on current set of axes # get current axis if user doesnt supply and axis if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if m is None: M = range(netw.number_of_ports) else: M = [m] if n is None: N = range(netw.number_of_ports) else: N = [n] if 'label' not in kwargs.keys(): generate_label=True else: generate_label=False for m in M: for n in N: # set the legend label for this trace to the networks name if it # exists, and they didnt pass a name key in the kwargs if generate_label: kwargs['label'] = _get_label_str(netw, "S", m, n) # plot the desired attribute vs frequency if len (ax.patches) == 0: smith(ax=ax, smithR = r, chart_type=chart_type, draw_labels=draw_labels, draw_vswr=draw_vswr) ax.plot(netw.s[:,m,n].real, netw.s[:,m,n].imag, *args,**kwargs) #draw legend if show_legend: ax.legend() ax.axis(np.array([-1.1,1.1,-1.1,1.1])*r) if label_axes: ax.set_xlabel('Real') ax.set_ylabel('Imaginary')
[docs] def plot_it_all(netw: Network, *args, **kwargs): r""" Plot dB, deg, smith, and complex in subplots. Plots the magnitude in dB in subplot 1, the phase in degrees in subplot 2, a smith chart in subplot 3, and a complex plot in subplot 4. Parameters ---------- \*args : arguments, optional passed to the matplotlib.plot command \*\*kwargs : keyword arguments, optional passed to the matplotlib.plot command See Also -------- plot_s_db - plot magnitude (in dB) of s-parameters vs frequency plot_s_deg - plot phase of s-parameters (in degrees) vs frequency plot_s_smith - plot complex s-parameters on smith chart plot_s_complex - plot complex s-parameters in the complex plane Examples -------- >>> from import ring_slot >>> ring_slot.plot_it_all() """ plt.clf() plt.subplot(221) netw.plot_s_db(*args, **kwargs) plt.subplot(222) netw.plot_s_deg(*args, **kwargs) plt.subplot(223) netw.plot_s_smith(*args, **kwargs) plt.subplot(224) netw.plot_s_complex(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def stylely(rc_dict: dict = None, style_file: str = 'skrf.mplstyle'): """ Loads the rc-params from the specified file (file must be located in skrf/data). Parameters ---------- rc_dict : dict, optional rc dict passed to :func:`matplotlib.rc`, by default {} style_file : str, optional style file, by default 'skrf.mplstyle' """ from .data import pwd # delayed to solve circular import rc_dict = rc_dict if rc_dict else {}, style_file)) mpl.rc(rc_dict)
# Network Set Plotting Commands def animate(self: NetworkSet, attr: str = 's_deg', ylims: tuple = (-5, 5), xlims: tuple | None = None, show: bool = True, savefigs: bool = False, dir_: str = '.', *args, **kwargs): r""" Animate a property of the networkset. This loops through all elements in the NetworkSet and calls a plotting attribute (ie Network.plot_`attr`), with given \*args and \*\*kwargs. Parameters ---------- attr : str, optional plotting property of a Network (ie 's_db', 's_deg', etc) Default is 's_deg' ylims : tuple, optional passed to ylim. needed to have consistent y-limits across frames. Default is (-5 ,5). xlims : tuple or None, optional. passed to xlim. Default is None. show : bool, optional show each frame as its animated. Default is True. savefigs : bool, optional save each frame as a png. Default is False. \*args, \*\*kwargs : passed to the Network plotting function Note ---- using `label=None` will speed up animation significantly, because it prevents the legend from drawing to create video paste this: !avconv -r 10 -i out_%5d.png -vcodec huffyuv out.avi or (depending on your ffmpeg version) !ffmpeg -r 10 -i out_%5d.png -vcodec huffyuv out.avi Examples -------- >>> ns.animate('s_deg', ylims=(-5,5), label=None) """ was_interactive = plt.isinteractive() plt.ioff() for idx, k in enumerate(self): plt.clf() if 'time' in attr: tmp_ntwk = k.windowed() tmp_ntwk.__getattribute__('plot_' + attr)(*args, **kwargs) else: k.__getattribute__('plot_' + attr)(*args, **kwargs) if ylims is not None: plt.ylim(ylims) if xlims is not None: plt.xlim(xlims) # rf.legend_off() plt.draw() if show: if savefigs: fname = os.path.join(dir_, 'out_%.5i' % idx + '.png') plt.savefig(fname) if savefigs: print('\n\n') if was_interactive: plt.ion() #------------------------------ # # NetworkSet plotting functions # #------------------------------
[docs] @axes_kwarg def plot_uncertainty_bounds_component( self: NetworkSet, attribute: str, m: int | None = None, n: int | None = None, type: str = 'shade', n_deviations: int = 3, alpha: float = .3, color_error: str | None = None, markevery_error: int = 20, ax: plt.Axes = None, ppf: bool = None, kwargs_error: dict = None, **kwargs): r""" Plot mean value of a NetworkSet with +/- uncertainty bounds in an Network's attribute. This is designed to represent uncertainty in a scalar component of the s-parameter. for example plotting the uncertainty in the magnitude would be expressed by, .. math:: mean(|s|) \pm std(|s|) The order of mean and abs is important. Parameters ---------- attribute : str attribute of Network type to analyze m : int or None first index of attribute matrix. Default is None (all) n : int or None second index of attribute matrix. Default is None (all) type : str ['shade' | 'bar'], type of plot to draw n_deviations : int number of std deviations to plot as bounds alpha : float passed to matplotlib.fill_between() command. [number, 0-1] color_error : str color of the +- std dev fill shading. Default is None. markevery_error : float tbd type : str if type=='bar', this controls frequency of error bars ax : matplotlib axe object Axes to plot on. Default is None. ppf : function post processing function. a function applied to the upper and lower bounds. Default is None kwargs_error : dict dictionary of kwargs to pass to the fill_between or errorbar plot command depending on value of type. \*\*kwargs : passed to Network.plot_s_re command used to plot mean response Note ---- For phase uncertainty you probably want s_deg_unwrap, or similar. uncertainty for wrapped phase blows up at +-pi. """ kwargs_error = kwargs_error if kwargs_error else {} if m is None: M = range(self[0].number_of_ports) else: M = [m] if n is None: N = range(self[0].number_of_ports) else: N = [n] for m in M: for n in N: plot_attribute = attribute ntwk_mean = self.__getattribute__('mean_'+attribute) ntwk_std = self.__getattribute__('std_'+attribute) ntwk_std.s = n_deviations * ntwk_std.s upper_bound = (ntwk_mean.s[:, m, n] + ntwk_std.s[:, m, n]).squeeze() lower_bound = (ntwk_mean.s[:, m, n] - ntwk_std.s[:, m, n]).squeeze() if ppf is not None: if type == 'bar': raise NotImplementedError('the \'ppf\' options don\'t work correctly with the bar-type error plots') ntwk_mean.s = ppf(ntwk_mean.s) upper_bound = ppf(upper_bound) lower_bound = ppf(lower_bound) lower_bound[np.isnan(lower_bound)] = min(lower_bound) if ppf in [mf.magnitude_2_db, mf.mag_2_db]: # fix of wrong ylabels due to usage of ppf for *_db plots if attribute == 's_mag': plot_attribute = 's_db' elif attribute == 's_time_mag': plot_attribute = 's_time_db' if type == 'shade': ntwk_mean.plot_s_re(ax=ax, m=m, n=n, **kwargs) if color_error is None: color_error = ax.get_lines()[-1].get_color() ax.fill_between(ntwk_mean.frequency.f, lower_bound.real, upper_bound.real, alpha=alpha, color=color_error, **kwargs_error) # ax.plot(ntwk_mean.frequency.f_scaled, ntwk_mean.s[:,m,n],*args,**kwargs) elif type == 'bar': ntwk_mean.plot_s_re(ax=ax, m=m, n=n, **kwargs) if color_error is None: color_error = ax.get_lines()[-1].get_color() ax.errorbar(ntwk_mean.frequency.f[::markevery_error], ntwk_mean.s_re[:, m, n].squeeze()[::markevery_error], yerr=ntwk_std.s_mag[:, m, n].squeeze()[::markevery_error], color=color_error, **kwargs_error) else: raise(ValueError('incorrect plot type')) ax.set_ylabel(self[0].Y_LABEL_DICT.get(plot_attribute[2:], '')) # use only the function of the attribute scale_frequency_ticks(ax, ntwk_mean.frequency.unit) ax.axis('tight')
[docs] @axes_kwarg def plot_minmax_bounds_component(self: NetworkSet, attribute: str, m: int = 0, n: int = 0, type: str = 'shade', n_deviations: int = 3, alpha: float = .3, color_error: str | None = None, markevery_error: int = 20, ax: plt.Axes = None, ppf: bool = None, kwargs_error: dict = None, **kwargs): r""" Plots mean value of the NetworkSet with +/- uncertainty bounds in an Network's attribute. This is designed to represent uncertainty in a scalar component of the s-parameter. For example plotting the uncertainty in the magnitude would be expressed by .. math:: mean(|s|) \pm std(|s|) The order of mean and abs is important. Parameters ---------- attribute : str attribute of Network type to analyze m : int first index of attribute matrix n : int second index of attribute matrix type : str ['shade' | 'bar'], type of plot to draw n_deviations : int number of std deviations to plot as bounds alpha : float passed to matplotlib.fill_between() command. [number, 0-1] color_error : str color of the +- std dev fill shading. Default is None. markevery_error : float tbd type : str if type=='bar', this controls frequency of error bars ax : matplotlib axe object Axes to plot on. Default is None. ppf : function post processing function. a function applied to the upper and lower bounds. Default is None kwargs_error : dict dictionary of kwargs to pass to the fill_between or errorbar plot command depending on value of type. \*\*kwargs : passed to Network.plot_s_re command used to plot mean response Note ---- For phase uncertainty you probably want s_deg_unwrap, or similar. Uncertainty for wrapped phase blows up at +-pi. """ kwargs_error = kwargs_error if kwargs_error else {} ntwk_mean = self.__getattribute__('mean_'+attribute) ntwk_std = self.__getattribute__('std_'+attribute) lower_bound = self.__getattribute__('min_'+attribute).s_re[:,m,n].squeeze() upper_bound = self.__getattribute__('max_'+attribute).s_re[:,m,n].squeeze() if ppf is not None: if type =='bar': raise NotImplementedError('the \'ppf\' options don\'t work correctly with the bar-type error plots') ntwk_mean.s = ppf(ntwk_mean.s) upper_bound = ppf(upper_bound) lower_bound = ppf(lower_bound) lower_bound[np.isnan(lower_bound)]=min(lower_bound) if ppf in [mf.magnitude_2_db, mf.mag_2_db]: # quickfix of wrong ylabels due to usage of ppf for *_db plots if attribute == 's_mag': attribute = 's_db' elif attribute == 's_time_mag': attribute = 's_time_db' if type == 'shade': ntwk_mean.plot_s_re(ax=ax,m=m,n=n, **kwargs) if color_error is None: color_error = ax.get_lines()[-1].get_color() ax.fill_between(ntwk_mean.frequency.f, lower_bound, upper_bound, alpha=alpha, color=color_error, **kwargs_error) #ax.plot(ntwk_mean.frequency.f_scaled,ntwk_mean.s[:,m,n],*args,**kwargs) elif type =='bar': raise (NotImplementedError) ntwk_mean.plot_s_re(ax=ax, m=m, n=n, **kwargs) if color_error is None: color_error = ax.get_lines()[-1].get_color() ax.errorbar(ntwk_mean.frequency.f[::markevery_error], ntwk_mean.s_re[:,m,n].squeeze()[::markevery_error], yerr=ntwk_std.s_mag[:,m,n].squeeze()[::markevery_error], color=color_error,**kwargs_error) else: raise(ValueError('incorrect plot type')) ax.set_ylabel(self[0].Y_LABEL_DICT.get(attribute[2:], '')) # use only the function of the attribute scale_frequency_ticks(ax, ntwk_mean.frequency.unit) ax.axis('tight')
[docs] def plot_uncertainty_bounds_s_db(self: NetworkSet, *args, **kwargs): """ Call ``plot_uncertainty_bounds(attribute='s_mag','ppf':mf.magnitude_2_db*args,**kwargs)``. See plot_uncertainty_bounds for help. """ kwargs.update({'attribute':'s_mag','ppf':mf.magnitude_2_db}) self.plot_uncertainty_bounds_component(*args,**kwargs)
[docs] def plot_minmax_bounds_s_db(self: NetworkSet, *args, **kwargs): """ Call ``plot_uncertainty_bounds(attribute= 's_mag','ppf':mf.magnitude_2_db*args,**kwargs)``. See plot_uncertainty_bounds for help. """ kwargs.update({'attribute':'s_mag','ppf':mf.magnitude_2_db}) self.plot_minmax_bounds_component(*args,**kwargs)
[docs] def plot_minmax_bounds_s_db10(self: NetworkSet, *args, **kwargs): """ Call ``plot_uncertainty_bounds(attribute= 's_mag','ppf':mf.magnitude_2_db*args,**kwargs)``. see plot_uncertainty_bounds for help """ kwargs.update({'attribute':'s_mag','ppf':mf.mag_2_db10}) self.plot_minmax_bounds_component(*args,**kwargs)
[docs] def plot_uncertainty_bounds_s_time_db(self: NetworkSet, *args, **kwargs): """ Call ``plot_uncertainty_bounds(attribute= 's_mag','ppf':mf.magnitude_2_db*args,**kwargs)``. See plot_uncertainty_bounds for help. """ kwargs.update({'attribute':'s_time_mag','ppf':mf.magnitude_2_db}) self.plot_uncertainty_bounds_component(*args,**kwargs)
[docs] def plot_minmax_bounds_s_time_db(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Call ``plot_uncertainty_bounds(attribute= 's_mag','ppf':mf.magnitude_2_db*args,**kwargs)``. See plot_uncertainty_bounds for help. """ kwargs.update({'attribute':'s_time_mag','ppf':mf.magnitude_2_db}) self.plot_minmax_bounds_component(*args, **kwargs)
def plot_uncertainty_decomposition(self: NetworkSet, m: int = 0, n: int = 0): """ Plot the total and component-wise uncertainty. Parameters ---------- m : int first s-parameters index n : second s-parameter index """ if is not None: plt.title(f"Uncertainty Decomposition: {} $S_{{{self.ntwk_set[0]._fmt.trace_name(m,n)}}}$") self.std_s.plot_s_mag(label='Distance', m=m,n=n) self.std_s_re.plot_s_mag(label='Real', m=m,n=n) self.std_s_im.plot_s_mag(label='Imaginary', m=m,n=n) self.std_s_mag.plot_s_mag(label='Magnitude', m=m,n=n) self.std_s_arcl.plot_s_mag(label='Arc-length', m=m,n=n)
[docs] def plot_logsigma(self: NetworkSet, label_axis: bool = True, *args,**kwargs): r""" Plot the uncertainty for the set in units of log-sigma. Log-sigma is the complex standard deviation, plotted in units of dB's. Parameters ---------- label_axis : bool, optional Default is True. \*args, \*\*kwargs : arguments passed to self.std_s.plot_s_db() """ self.std_s.plot_s_db(*args,**kwargs) if label_axis: plt.ylabel('Standard Deviation(dB)')
[docs] def signature(self: NetworkSet, m: int = 0, n: int = 0, component: str = 's_mag', vmax: Number | None = None, vs_time: bool = False, cbar_label: str | None = None, *args, **kwargs): r""" Visualization of a NetworkSet. Creates a colored image representing the some component of each Network in the NetworkSet, vs frequency. Parameters ------------ m : int, optional first s-parameters index. Default is 0. n : int, optional second s-parameter index. Default is 0. component : ['s_mag','s_db','s_deg' ..] scalar component of Network to visualize. should be a property of the Network object. vmax : number or None. sets upper limit of colorbar, if None, will be set to 3*mean of the magnitude of the complex difference. Default is None. vs_time: Boolean, optional. if True, then we assume each was made with rf.now_string, and we make the y-axis a datetime axis. Default is False. cbar_label: String or None, optional label for the colorbar. Default is None \*args,\*\*kw : arguments, keyword arguments passed to :func:`~pylab.imshow` """ mat = np.array([self[k].__getattribute__(component)[:, m, n] \ for k in range(len(self))]) # if vmax is None: # vmax = 3*mat.mean() if vs_time: # create a datetime index dt_idx = [now_string_2_dt( for k in self] mpl_times = date2num(dt_idx) y_max = mpl_times[0] y_min = mpl_times[-1] else: y_min = len(self) y_max = 0 # creates x and y scales freq = self[0].frequency extent = [freq.f_scaled[0], freq.f_scaled[-1], y_min, y_max] # set default imshow kwargs kw = {'extent': extent, 'aspect': 'auto', 'interpolation': 'nearest', 'vmax': vmax} # update the users kwargs kw.update(kwargs) img = plt.imshow(mat, *args, **kw) if vs_time: ax = plt.gca() ax.yaxis_date() # date_format = plt.DateFormatter('%M:%S.%f') # ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(date_format) # cbar.set_label('Magnitude (dB)') plt.ylabel('Time') else: plt.ylabel('Network #') plt.grid(0) freq.labelXAxis() cbar = plt.colorbar() if cbar_label is not None: cbar.set_label(cbar_label) return img
[docs] def plot_contour(freq: Frequency, x: NumberLike, y: NumberLike, z: NumberLike, min0max1: int, graph: bool = True, cmap: str = 'plasma_r', title: str = '', **kwargs): r""" Create a contour plot. Parameters ---------- freq : :skrf.Frequency: Frequency object. x : array x points y : array y points. z : array z points. min0max1 : int 0 for min, 1 for max. graph : bool, optional plot graph if True. The default is True. cmap : str, optional Colormap label. The default is 'plasma_r'. title : str, optional Figure title. The default is ''. \*\*kwargs : dict Other parameters passed to `matplotlib.plot()`. Returns ------- GAMopt : :skrf.Network: Network VALopt : float min or max. """ from . import Network ri = np.linspace(0,1, 50) ti = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi, 150) Ri , Ti = np.meshgrid(ri, ti) xi = np.linspace(-1,1, 50) Xi, Yi = np.meshgrid(xi, xi) triang = tri.Triangulation(x, y) interpolator = tri.LinearTriInterpolator(triang, z) Zi = interpolator(Xi, Yi) if min0max1 == 1 : VALopt = np.max(z) else : VALopt = np.min(z) GAMopt = Network(f=[freq], s=x[z==VALopt] +1j*y[z==VALopt]) if graph : fig, ax = plt.subplots(**kwargs) an = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 50) cs, sn = np.cos(an), np.sin(an) plt.plot(cs, sn, color='k', lw=0.25) plt.plot(cs, sn*0, color='g', lw=0.25) plt.plot((1+cs)/2, sn/2, color='k', lw=0.25) plt.axis('equal') ax.set_axis_off() ax.contour(Xi, Yi, Zi, levels=20, vmin=Zi.min(), vmax= Zi.max(), linewidths=0.5, colors='k') cntr1 = ax.contourf(Xi, Yi, Zi, levels=20, vmin=Zi.min(), vmax= Zi.max(),cmap=cmap) fig.colorbar(cntr1, ax=ax) ax.plot(x, y, 'o', ms=0.3, color='k') ax.set(xlim=(-1, 1), ylim=(-1, 1)) plt.title(title) return GAMopt, VALopt
def plot_prop_complex(netw: Network, prop_name: str, m=None, n=None, ax=None, show_legend=True, **kwargs): r""" plot the Network attribute :attr:`{}` vs frequency. Parameters ---------- attribute : string Network attribute to plot m : int, optional first index of s-parameter matrix, if None will use all n : int, optional secon index of the s-parameter matrix, if None will use all ax : :class:`matplotlib.Axes` object, optional An existing Axes object to plot on show_legend : Boolean draw legend or not y_label : string, optional the y-axis label \*args,\**kwargs : arguments, keyword arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.plot` Note ---- This function is dynamically generated upon Network initialization. This is accomplished by calling :func:`plot_vs_frequency_generic` Examples -------- >>> myntwk.plot_{}(m=1,n=0,color='r') """ # create index lists, if not provided by user if m is None: M = range(netw.number_of_ports) else: M = [m] if n is None: N = range(netw.number_of_ports) else: N = [n] if 'label' not in kwargs.keys(): gen_label = True else: gen_label = False for m in M: for n in N: # set the legend label for this trace to the networks # name if it exists, and they didn't pass a name key in # the kwargs if gen_label: kwargs['label'] = _get_label_str(netw, prop_name[0].upper(), m, n) # plot the desired attribute vs frequency plot_complex_rectangular( z=getattr(netw, prop_name)[:, m, n], show_legend=show_legend, ax=ax, **kwargs) def plot_prop_polar(netw: Network, prop_name: str, m=None, n=None, ax=None, show_legend=True, **kwargs): r""" plot the Network attribute :attr:`{}` vs frequency. Parameters ---------- attribute : string Network attribute to plot m : int, optional first index of s-parameter matrix, if None will use all n : int, optional secon index of the s-parameter matrix, if None will use all ax : :class:`matplotlib.Axes` object, optional An existing Axes object to plot on show_legend : Boolean draw legend or not y_label : string, optional the y-axis label \*args,\**kwargs : arguments, keyword arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.plot` Note ---- This function is dynamically generated upon Network initialization. This is accomplished by calling :func:`plot_vs_frequency_generic` Examples -------- >>> myntwk.plot_{}(m=1,n=0,color='r') """ # create index lists, if not provided by user if m is None: M = range(netw.number_of_ports) else: M = [m] if n is None: N = range(netw.number_of_ports) else: N = [n] if 'label' not in kwargs.keys(): gen_label = True else: gen_label = False for m in M: for n in N: # set the legend label for this trace to the networks # name if it exists, and they didn't pass a name key in # the kwargs if gen_label: kwargs['label'] = _get_label_str(netw, prop_name[0].upper(), m, n) # plot the desired attribute vs frequency plot_complex_polar( z = getattr(netw,prop_name)[:,m,n], show_legend = show_legend, ax = ax, **kwargs)